Sunday, March 27, 2011

How to cook plain pasta(Al Dente style)

1. wash your hands
2. pick your pasta
3. get a pot(medium)
4. put cold water in it
5. put the stove on high
6. salt the water(put salt in the water)
7. wait until the water starts to boil(stay near the pasta never leave it alone)(then again just don't stare at it then it will never cook)(my Nonno told me that secret)
8. put your pasta in the medium pot
9.stir a few times the leave it alone
10. the pasta should cook for 10-12 minutes(the pasta box usually says the right time)
11. taste the pasta to see if it's cooked(if it is move on to the next step, if not give it more time to cook)
12. get a strainer and pour the pasta in
13. put oil or butter in the pot enough to coat the bottom of the pan)
14. put the pasta back it
15. stir it around
16. put condiments (if necessary)
17. serve and devour
If you have any question please comment and ask them


the winner is.......

the winner out of the 2 videos is SEENA GOMEZ WHO SAYS
now watch it without leaving my blog i found out how


Hey everyone
these are my plants I'm growing these are just babies

Friday, March 25, 2011

Who Says By Selena Gomez

Sup peeps,
So you heard girls just wanna have fun by Miley Cyrus.
Should I do that song or who says by Selena Gomez listen to both and i'll pick the winning one and tell you so remember this is for the talent show

Thursday, March 24, 2011

sup peeps
well i found my cuz Carla and some of her friends singing in school and they r really good
the first one is called Dancing the second one is called Choices

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

girls just wanna have fun by miley cyrus

hey you peeps reading this is the song i'm going to do for the tanlet show and carls you might come if can
hope you like if you think i should sing something different then comment yes or no and witch instead and maybe i'll stay with i have or i change.

random words post #2!!!

Desert style
cupcakes, cakes, red velvet cupcakes, Popsicles, crabbily, ice cream, frozen yogurt, shot cakes, soft serve, Ore's, chips ahoy, girl scout cookies, Twinkies, ring ding, ice cream sandwich, cheese cake.
hope you like it :) luv vally

Friday, March 11, 2011

random words post #1!!!

yo, well, so, hi, goose, chicken, orange, cape, yellow, ghost, paranormal activity, printer, book, spray cheese, badgers, muffins, blood..., donkey, horse, unicorn, mushrooms, blogs, pooping, random dancing, spray butter, hockey, collage, poop, Greta, Carla, Stella, sticky notes, YouTube, mailbox, puppy dog:), TV

you just saw the first post of "RANDOM WORDS" hope you like it ha ha yo 

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


i have another video from the dude who made jb eats poop and the other one this one is funny too
hope you like it rem comment
luv vally :)


Sup my awesome people
well I was searching YouTube and remember the Justin Bieber eats poop well here's another video from the guy who made it. hope you like it i did
luv vally

Sunday, March 6, 2011

hey this is a the key of awsome video of we r who we r watch then comment
luv vally

justin bieber eats poop?????

Hey everyone! So I was on YOUTUBE(as usual) and I found this GROSS but HULARIOUS video and here it is (just look down and click the play button). And if your a Justin Bieber MEGA or REGULAR FAN the maybe watch this or not (it's up to you). I think it's funny then agian I hate Justin Bieber.
luv Vally

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sup peeps! wats going on remeber to comment about my play "Cheating in the hawaiian Islands". To tell you the truth I really don't know why I named it "Cheating in the Hawaiian Islands" bevause they really don't cheat on each other. Then again you don't because I haven't finished yet. But you decide on if I finish it or not. Remember to comment and follow.
~luv Vally

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

play number one

cheating in the Hawaiian islands

Alina:Aloha My little Luau
Chad: hi babe
Alina: Seriously HI "BABE"
Alina: I say "Aloha My little Luau And you say hi babe

what will happen next to Alina And Chad next remember comment to see what happens next to Alina And Chad
only you decide

Randomness post #1

Hey Everyone,
These are a series of post I'm going to do called "RANDOMNESS POSTSS".
They might be plays, books, maybe even Movies. Maybe I'll finish them maybe I won't.
If you really liked it then coment saying to finish it if you didn't like it then coment saying don't finish it and i will or won't. Depends on your answer.
~luv Vally
p.s. I used two s in posts like this postss because then I could use all the colors 2 times. And there was only 1 more color. So I wanted to make it fully through. ok bye. bye really this time.