Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Big Nate Strikes Again Book Review

Hey everyone! I'm gong to review the book Big Nate Strikes Again. I enjoyed this book because there was the writing style. If you like Diary Of A Wimpy Kid then you'll like Big Nate Strikes Again. My Favorite Part was when Nate saved him and Gina from getting a bad school grade (even though Nate's good at sports not school). Then also when Gina won the Felicle ball game for the team(even though Gina's good at school work not sports). So the concept here was even though you may not be good at something if you try hard enough then you can do it. But the way it happened to Nate and Gina is the helped each other in the way they were bad at and the other was good. Do you get what I'm trying to say? I know it's a little hard to understand.
~luv Valpal

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